Sunday, March 15, 2009


hello everyone :) i really miss you coz my job requires me to pangseh on many occasions.
and it seems like i am posting a lot nowadays! will someone post please? so that our blog won't be cui and dum didi dum-inspiring. hah.

anyway as promised, here are the details i texted you about:

you are all invited to a party-ish thing
saturday 21 march 2009
*jo's condo
dinner is provided (not bbq this time)
ktv room has been booked from 5-10pm, you can also come earlier to swim, or play frisbee at west coast park, if you like

really hope you all can come :)

please rsvp (by sms) by wednesday night with answers to the following questions:
1. coming?
2. swimming or not?
3. playing frisbee or not?
4. any sudden newfound dietary restrictions e.g. cannot eat cheese or vegetables?
5. need directions to my place?

dinner pass: must have at least one yellow item on you :)

thank you for your attention! have a pleasant job, backpacking, block leave, ns, unemployment, etc.


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