Thursday, August 07, 2008

your most beloved ct-rep

Hello (: I was looking through geog trip pictures (to find an unglam shot of Jo the pok so that I can get back at her for consistently posting super unglam shots of me) and discovered this picture! (: Oh! Also, Shi Hui has a picture of Colin actually grinning on her facebook!

Class Photos

And I was feeling a little nostalgic so I dug out our old class photos and scanned them! Had the "prophetic intution" that one day, I eventually will either misplace them or spill coke on them or something. So here are those that I have! (:

IP ONE. Not commenting on anyone lest it inspires backlash. Oh. Sorry lou, the bad quality of the scans makes you look like a pirate! Purely unintentional, I swear.

When there were twenty-six! (: On a side note, my scanner makes this "about-to-be-castrated" sound when it scans stuff. It's extremely disturbing!

I never did receive the photos that I ordered. Our "most beloved CT-rep" offered to photocopy the pictures for me. Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyway, I would really like to have the pictures! (: So if anyone is willing to scan them in (after the A' levels) or maybe lend them to me, it will be greatly appreciated! (:

IP THREE. Whenever I look at this photo, I start laughing like mad at Sam! (: Don't you?

Isolated Gladys is smirking at her book.

Anyway, congrats to Yi Hoong and Nat for eating their first chicken cutlet in four years! (: Haha! Alright. Shan't bother you no more.



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