Saturday, December 23, 2006

maaaa mehhh moooo

heh. we have decided to remove mer's address from this blog because meltee says it's dangerous. so thank you mel (:

and umm you can sms either mer or tis to find out the address if you dont have it and to ask for directions on how to get there (: and yes, tis spelled thomson wrongly. lol

and by the way, jo will be the food coordinator so think of what you're bringing for potluck fast and jo will make sure the foods dont clash. yay (:

the response so far has been great, besides the 6 people who wont be around, we have 3 other people on hold who are yingting, yi hoong and jo lynn, who are all currently overseas.

dearest 3 people mentioned above, we really hope you're reading this and confirm your presence with us asap! (: thank you.
jo lynn ah, dont do integration can.. mugger. lol

mer and tis (:

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