Tuesday, August 01, 2006

clar is doing this out of desperation

Clar is very very desperate right now. What could make her so desperate, you might ask. Well, clar has a voice concert on the 16th of September. Thing is, she has 20 tickets to sell and if she doesn't sell them, her voice teacher will really kill her. She does not have many relatives who appreciate this kind of art, so she is graciously extending the invitation to her classmates though it makes her cringe with embarrassment that they are going to watch her sing. It is going to be at the Drama Centre (above National Library) and tickets are $25. Clar knows that they are rather expensive but she is sorry to say that she is not in the position to give discounts or student concessions. If it helps, clar will be doing one solo item. Please come and watch her. It is going to be really professional and cool. If you don't go, you won't see her in the very nice (and not to mention expensive) dress she is going to be wearing!

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