Sunday, January 09, 2005

I Wish I Was J1...

Hey people! Gaius here! Well, as the post title suggests, I'm feeling a little depressed at the thought of school once again. After all those games and cheers and mass dancing, going back to the lecture theatre and classroom seems so terribily boring. I am sure you guys feel the same way!

I would say though, that 2005 will be a very eventful year for you IP year ones, and a very very very important one for me (A levels!). It will be tough at times, when you are loaded with assignments and tests, but great fun at times too. Your class is very humorous and spontaneous, so I'm sure lessons won't be that dull if you guys keep the jokes coming!

Do I have advice for you guys? Well, I can't say I have, because the IP system is very different from the mainstream JC one, so I may end up giving wrong advice! Here goes anyway...

From what I saw from your IP seniors, the teachers go through the syllabus pretty quickly, so pay close attention during lessons. If you are unsure about anything, consult your classmates or teachers. We J2s have consultation periods for this, but I am not sure about you IPs. You can also ask your direct seniors 04IP04 for help, or myself (Your adopted senior, ha ha).

During assembly every morning, I will at the front with the Aerius flag, so you can find me there. I will certainly try my best to help you guys integrate into NJC! All the best for 2005!

I will miss the fun we had during orientation!

04S29 - Add me yeah?!

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