Wednesday, November 28, 2007


msg from Mr Teo regarding CIP

Pls make sure your parents email him in this format before you start your CIP

Dear Mr Teo, this is to inform you that I have approved my child ____name______ of 05IP04 of performing CIP activities on ___(dates)___ during ___(time XXXX to XXXX)_ at ____(name of venue)_.

He/She will be doing _____(details of activities, e.g: mentoring/tutoring young children of age around 10)_____
__Name of Parent__
__Contact No._____

Except for Zhirong, he must write out in a piece of paper, and let his mum sign and leave the consent in Mr Teo's tray.

CIP hours will only be granted accordingly in their leaving cert if he receives parental consent.

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